Your paintings have made such a difference to the feel in our studio apartment. I absolutely love them! Thank you so much for not hiding your God-given talent and for sharing it with the world
— Paula


… to Heidi Emma Fine Art.

….to beautiful art impregnated with the finest pigments, with emotion and soul.

….to Tonal Impressionism. Lights. Darks. Giving an Impression of what is seen in a way that no photograph will capture. Expressing the atmosphere, the feeling.

My work is painterly. Peaceful. Calm. I hope you feel it too.

I am an oil painter obsessed with light.

I live with my husband and two children in Dunsborough near the Margaret River region of Western Australia. I find time to create artworks in pockets of time around my day job of teaching early childhood, family and community life. My family and I live in a semi rural setting and I love feeling the grass beneath my feet and dirt on my hands.